Label-free range


Introducing our label-free bottle, our latest innovation in packaging and sustainability as our first circular designed bottle.

Samenstelling (mg/L)
  • Calcium 80
  • Magnesium 26
  • Potassium 1
  • Sodium 6.5
  • Nitraten 3.8
Water attributes
 balanced taste

evian water has naturally occurring electrolytes (calcium, magnesium, potassium).

Hydratatie uit de Franse Alpen

Ons water wordt 15 jaar lang door gletsjers en rotsen gefilterd alvorens we het bottelen.

7.2 pH

Evian heeft een evenwichtige minerale samenstelling.

Our label-free bottle

Introducing our label-free bottle, our latest innovation in packaging and sustainability as our first circular designed bottle. It is a major milestone in our ambition to become a fully circular brand by 2025. Two years in the making in our innovation lab, the design of this new bottle is created using 100% recycled* and recyclable plastic.

Learn more